Garachay - Circassian is one of the republics forming Russian Federation. Republic was created in Soviet period. Most of people speak Garachay (or Karachay) language which belongs to Turkic language family. Republic is situated in the North Caucasus region, where The Great Caucasus range lays. So, the territory of Garachay - Circassian Republic is mostly mountainous and covered with forests. Also, many rivers flow from the area, Teberda, Karachay, Kubay are bigger ones. People mostly engaged in agriculture. You can meet herds of domestic animals everywhere. Furthermore, horses are the most loved animal, as the Karachays held nomadic and semi nomadic life during the history. Karachay - Circassian Republic can be proud of the hospitality of its people. They are nice, temperamental and sincere. Talking to and discussing topics with them are pleasure. Garachay - Circassian Republic has many historical and archaeological monuments. One of them Khumar...