AZERBAİJANİS Azerbaijanis are the second greatest Turkic people in the world after Anatolian Turks. The Azerbaijani people are the main and the most ancient aboriginal inhabitants of the Azerbaijan Republic (North Azerbaijan) and South Azerbaijan (the north-west provinces of the Iran Islamic Republic). Azerbaijanis belong to Oghuz branch of Turkic groups of the Altay people. They call themselves Azerbaijanis. In different stages of history they were called “Turks”, “Azerbaijani Turks” or “Caucasian Tatars”, “Azeri Tatars” as well. Azerbaijanis who live in South Azerbaijan and in other regions of Iran call themselves “Turks” up to present. They speak Azerbaijani which belong to Oghuz branch of Turkic group of Altai language family. They bare relation to the caspi (khazar) type of the white (European) race. They are Moslems. Although in the ethno-origin of Azerbaijanis mainly Kuties, Lullabies, Turuks (Turukkues), Hurries, Kimmers, Iskits ...
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