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Showing posts from March, 2018

March Genocide

In 1918 bolshevik troops who get control in Baku and other eastern parts of Azerbaijan began massacres of Azerbaijani people. The head of bolsheviks was armenian murderer Shaumyan. The genocide was started in 29th of March. In 31st of March in 1918 there was terrible massacres in Baku city. The genocide continued till September 15. When the troops of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic and Qafqaz Islamic Army destroyed bolshevik terrorists and entered Baku massacres of Azerbaijani people stopped. National Tricolor flag was raised in Baku. In the result of 1918 genocide 70 thousand people were killed by bolsheviks and armenians.  Every year in 31st of March we recognize the victims of genocide. 

Ovçu rəsmləri. Hunter drawings. Рисунки охотников.

 Qobustan qoruğunda Böyükdaş dağının Yuxarı Terrasında 29 №-li qayanın üzərində aşkar olunmuş ovçu rəsmləri.  Hunter drawings discovered on rock № 29 in the Upper Terrace of Beyukdash mountain in Gobustan preserve.   Рисунки охотников обнаруженные в заповеднике Гобустана в верхней террасе горы Беюкдаша на скале №29. Ovçu qadın. Hunter woman. Жэнщина охотница.

Oldest sickle

The photo belongs to the oldest sickle in the Caucasus area. It was found in Shomutepe monument of Neolithic age. The sickle was made of bone and was not saved entirely. Archaeological excavations held in Shomutepe by Ideal Narimanov unearthed new archaeological culture which he called Shomutepe culture. Nowadays Shomutepe is in the western part of Azerbaijani Republic. One of findings unearthed in Shomutepe was the sickle on photo. It was used in Neolithic period approximately late VII-early VI centuries BC. It is the reaping-hook that with its help Neolithic human collected grain, or grass for domesticated animals. The remain of sickle is demonstrated in the National Museum of Azerbaijan History. 

Introduction to Archaeology

Lived in V century BC Herodotus begins his Book of “History” with these words: THESE are the researches of Herodotus of Halicarnassus, which he publishes, in the hope of thereby preserving from decay the remembrance of what men have done, and of preventing the great and wonderful actions of the Greeks and the Barbarians from losing their due meed of glory; and withal to put on record what were their grounds of feuds. In this case Herodotus shows the importance of ancient monuments in the learning of Ancient World`s history. And he identifies the principle duties of science of history. Bakikhanov starts his book “Gulustane Iram” : Living without knowing history is like to fall into the desert. Every nation has to learn history. Learning history of every nation, every state is nice job. So, these two historians correctly define duties of History, and show/note importance of it. Archaeology is one of the History sciences. In USA archaeology is learned as the branch of Anthropology...

Scenes from Gobustan Preserve, Azerbaijan

Gobustan is one of the ancient human habitats in the world. Starting from Mesolithic period humans settled this territory and draw petroglyphs on the rocks. Nowadays, Gobustan included to UNESCO World Heritage List.  Below, listed some landscape scenes from Gobustan. 

Azerbaijanis (according to professor Yagub Mahmudov)

AZERBAİJANİS     Azerbaijanis are the second greatest Turkic people in the world after Anatolian Turks. The Azerbaijani people are the main and the most ancient aboriginal inhabitants of the Azerbaijan Republic (North Azerbaijan) and South Azerbaijan (the north-west provinces of the Iran Islamic Republic).     Azerbaijanis belong to Oghuz branch of Turkic groups of the Altay people. They call themselves Azerbaijanis. In different stages of history they were called “Turks”, “Azerbaijani Turks” or “Caucasian Tatars”, “Azeri Tatars” as well. Azerbaijanis who live in South Azerbaijan and in other regions of Iran call themselves “Turks” up to present. They speak Azerbaijani which belong to Oghuz branch of Turkic group of Altai language family. They bare relation to the caspi (khazar) type of the white (European) race. They are Moslems. Although in the ethno-origin of Azerbaijanis mainly Kuties, Lullabies, Turuks (Turukkues), Hurries, Kimmers, Iskits ...

Novruz in Azerbaijan

Novruz is ancient holiday in Azerbaijan. It was New Year in the past, till we start to use Gregorian calendar. It is the most beloved holiday in Azerbaijan. We celebrate it three days. But untill Novruz holiday comes we are celebrating last four Tuesdays which we call Charshanba. 

Qobustanda aşkar olunmuş daş zindan. Stone anvil found in Gobustan. Каменная наковальня обнаруженная в Гобустане

 Bu daş zindanın təxminən Son Tunc-Erkən Dəmir dövrlərinə təsadüf etdiyi güman edilir. Bu əmək alətindən metalın döyülüb formaya salınmasında, mismarların, döyüş silahlarının, ov alətlərinin və digər əmək alətlərinin hazırlanmasında istifadə olunmuşdur. Ən diqqət çəkən məqam isə daş zindanın üzərində müxtəlif    cızmaların olmasıdır. Onun üzəri bəzədilmişdir. Əmək alətinin yan hissəsində onu əhatələməklə nöqtələr şəklində iki sıra düzülən naxışlar atılmışdır. Bundan əlavə isə alətin ön tərəfində üç, arxa tərəfində isə dörd ədəd xətt cızılmışdır. Qədim Qobustanlıların bu əmək alətini bəzəmələrinin səbəbini dəqiq demək mümkün deyil. Ola bilsin ki, bu xüsusi bir ritualla bağlı olmuşdur. Qobustan arxeoloji abidəsinin əsas tədqiqatçılarından biri, F. Muradova isə bunda heç bir ayrı məna axtarmağın lazım olmadığını qeyd edir. Arxeoloqun fikrincə bu sadəcə öz əmək alətlərini daha gözə gəlimli etmək məqsədi ilə atılmış naxışlardır.        ...

Salyan city, Azerbaijan

Salyan is the city in the central part of Azerbaijan Repuublic. The city of Salyan is an administrative centre of Salyan district (rayon) . Kura river divides the district into two parts. Historical Salyan region was much more bigger than nowadays rayon. It bordered by the Caspian Sea (nowadays Neftchala) and Kura river was flowing into the Caspian sea in the region. So, people of the region mostly was engaged in fishing. And in modern times Salyan is famous for its fish and fish meals, though most part of fish are gotten in Neftchala. In Soviet period Salyan was one of the industry region of Azerbaijan. With the city of Ali-Bayramly (Shirvan now) it made industry complex. After collapse of Soviet Union economy of Salyan  was destroyed. After ceasfire and economical reforns of preisdent H. Aliyev economy began to increase. Salyan oil company began to get oil in the territory of Salyan from 2001. Now Salyan city is one of the main cities of Azerbaijan connecting south and north ...

Brief info about Salyan khanate

In the middle of XVIII century, Ibrahim Roodbari declared himself an independent ruler and created  Salyan khanate. Abasgulu agha writes: Huseynali khan of Guba sent his son Fathali agha with troops and got back Salyan from his relative Ibrahim Roodbari in 1756. Capturing Salyanwas great economical and military-strategical success. After annexing Salyan khanate was liquidated, the ruler was called sultan.

Shah Tahmasib Safevid

Shah Tahmasib Safevid, son of Shah Ismail Khatai. He ruled after his father's death. Between Shah Tahmasib and Sultan Suleyman Kanuni had battles dyring their rules. Two great turkic states and their leaders were enemies of each other. These wars made Ottomans and Safevid empires weak and in ages they slowly dissappered from the scene. 

Shah Ismayil Safevid

In chronicle "Tarihe alam araye-Ismail" was written: "He lived 38 years and ruled 24 years. Shah ruled with justice. Owing to their fear of the sovereign, nobody displayed cruelty and deception to people. His majesty was the courages knight on the battle fields. In all battles he was in the head of his troops.