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Introduction to Archaeology

Lived in V century BC Herodotus begins his Book of “History” with these words: THESE are the researches of Herodotus of Halicarnassus, which he publishes, in the hope of thereby preserving from decay the remembrance of what men have done, and of preventing the great and wonderful actions of the Greeks and the Barbarians from losing their due meed of glory; and withal to put on record what were their grounds of feuds. In this case Herodotus shows the importance of ancient monuments in the learning of Ancient World`s history. And he identifies the principle duties of science of history. Bakikhanov starts his book “Gulustane Iram” : Living without knowing history is like to fall into the desert. Every nation has to learn history. Learning history of every nation, every state is nice job.
So, these two historians correctly define duties of History, and show/note importance of it.
Archaeology is one of the History sciences. In USA archaeology is learned as the branch of Anthropology, In Europa as dependent science. However it is subsidiary science of History. Archaeology and History are mixed together and form one discipline. History has two main sources for researches:
  1. Written sources
  2. Material sources
Material sources include in itself buildings, domestic tools, weapons, adornments made by humans. Graves-necropolises, settlements, ruins of ancient cities and etc. are material sources. Most of material sources are found by archaeological excavations.
Archaeology is used to consider one of young sciences. But by its roots Archaeology is going to ancient times. In the VI century BC Babylonian emperor Nabonidus did excavation works for learning history of his ancestors. He excavated ruins of cities and palaces, found many material sources. Seal with writing on it found by Nabonidus is in the Museum of Britain Archaeology.
Also A. Bakikhanov used material sources while writing his book. He learned lots of historical monuments of Azerbaijan, and even firstly in history of Azerbaijan held underwater archaeology.
Term Archaeology firstly was used by Plato (Aze: Platon) in his “Hippias Major”. This work devoted to the dialogues of different philosphers. İn one chapter when Socrates asked what Lakonia people like to talk about Hippias answer was: “Laconia people like to talk about ancient heros, humans, migration of nations, formation of cities, commonly about archaeology”. So, Plato gave large meaning to archaeology like it is a science for learning ancient periods. Word of archaeology comes from Greek, arkhaios-ancient and logia-word, knowledge. Nowadays science of Archaeology learns human prehistory (Primitive communal system, Slavery period) and history, from the development of first stone tools up to recent decades.

Research methods:
There are 3 ways of archaeological researches.
  1. Fieldworks. While looking over definite side archaeologist  decides how long excavations can last and which methods could be used for excavations. Firstly small sized (1:1 m, 1:2 m) control excavation is being held on the monument. If the monument will give material sources  begin large archaeological excavations in the area. Control excavations are called exploration excavations (Aze).
  2. Laboratory research. Archaeologist analyzes materials found in excavations, restore potteries and metal tools and etc.
  3. Cabinet works. Archaeologist gives information about cultural lines, stratigraphy, bulding ruins, fire places, sturucture of graves, burrial ceremonies, tools, weapons and etc of excavated monument, compare them with other excavations and publishes for scientific institutions.

    Material culture samples can be above the ground and mostly under the ground. They differ for their practical importance. Ruins of various buildings, ancient slums, some types of burrials which has signs, ancient irrigation systems and etc. are included to on ground monuments. Generally, monuments formed in the result of human acting during 100 thousands years are considered material culture  monuments. The most spread monuments are ancient habitation. Ancient habitations last for the longest historical period. As the first human settlements began formation from the Stone Age and come up to Medieval Ages. These are mostly remains of ancient settlements.
    The most ancient habitations are caves belonged to Stone age. Also there exist open habitations  - camps. We can meet camps in several parts of the world. One of them new discovered Lomekwi 3 open camp in Kenya. It was uncovered in 2011, and was announced in 2015. According to Dr. Sonia Harmand the tools unearthed in Lomekwi 3 dating back 3.3 million years. So, these are the earliest stone tools ever found.
    The first caves were discovered in France. So, ancient Stone age was classified according to these caves –Acheulean(Aşel), Mousterian(Mustye), Magdalenian (Madlen). In Azerbaijan human habitations were discovered in Damjyly, Dashsalahly, Azikh, Gobustan, Zar and etc.
    From the VII-VI centuries BC humans began to produce – first farming and cattle-breeding had occured. So, people started to live in new shaped settlements. They began to settle riversides. During this period in Azerbaijan were formated agricultural settlements. Firstly the villages were about 1-3 ha, but in the Bronze age they enlarged to 10-12 ha.
    Begining from the Bronze age there were created big settlements – cties. In Medieval Ages these cities grow to big centres.
    Archaeological sources also include tools made by ancient humans. The materials of tools gave the names of historical periods. From the Neolothic age human started to use clay and make potteries from clay. Potteries are the best soruces for defining archaeological cultures.

Archaeological Culture
    Archaeological materials are differ from each other for their periods, making techniques, types, and their area of spreading. Having the unique producing techniques, especially in making ceramics, the same or close burrial traditions, specific characteristics of ancient settlements, formated in define geographical area archaeological monument complexes are called “Archaeological cultures”.

Archaeological materials from each other, and each time zone differs in its time and chronology and distribution. Some chronological age and a complex covering the area based on the existence of special archeological culture is defined. Above all, determined archeological culture monuments covering the area or object provides a set of speaking. Archaeological culture of funerary monuments, burial customs, tools, clay products, jewelry and other important role in determining the structure of residence, in accordance with the construction debris. As a rule, the first great scientific significance of monument is named after the place or find archaeological culture. For example: Babadarvis place of residence - Shomutepe culture, Leylatapa culture is Alxantəpə monuments - Boyuk Kesik - Kura-Araz culture, monuments, Üzərliktəpə Teyretepe, Qarğalartəpəsi, Soyugbulag and etc
Archaeological cultures of Azerbaijan
  1. Quruçay arxeoloji mədəniyyəti (paleolit dövrü).
  2. Şomutəpə arxeoloji mədəniyyəti (eneolit dövrü).
  3. Leylatəpə arxeoloji mədəniyyəti (eneolit dövrü).
  4. Kültəpə arxeoloji mədəniyyəti (eneolit dövrü).
  5. Kür-Araz arxeoloji mədəniyyəti (erkən tunc dövrü).
  6. Naxçıvan və yaxud «Boyalı qablar» arxeoloji mədəniyyəti (orta tunc dövrü).
  7. Xocalı-Gədəbəy arxeoloji mədəniyyəti (son tunc-ilk dəmir dövrü).
  8. Muğan arxeoloji mədəniyyəti (son tunc dövrü).
  9. Yaloylutəpə arxeoloji mədəniyyəti (antik dövr).  
  10. Küp qəbir (Jar burial) Antique and Early Medieval


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