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31st December - The Solidarity Day of World Azerbaijanis

Historical territory of Azerbaijan covers huge areas including in itself Darband city and Great Caucasus range in the North, Easteran Anatolia, Eastern Georgia in the West, Sultaniyye - Hamadan - Zanjan in the South and Caspian Sea in the East. These territories were inhabitated by different tribes during history and formatted Azerbaijani nation. Nowadays, more than 50 million Azerbaijanis live in the borders of mentioned above territories and outside of homeland.

Azerbaijanis made extraordinary commitments the world human advancement living in the region of Azerbaijan for a large number of years. Wars, upheavals, military clashes, social-political procedures on the planet destructed Azerbaijan, a portion of the Azerbaijanis asked to leave their properties, expelled, left their nation with the reason to discover a work, and to get training and settled in various nations. Today Azerbaijanis live in each side of the world.

The history of Solidarity Day of World Azerbaijanis starts in December 1989.
In 1989 the neighborhood settlers brought down the Soviet– Iranian fringe in then-Nakhichevan ASSR to reunite with Iranian Azerbaijanis. Around the same time, the primary World Congress of Azerbaijanis occurred in Istanbul. 

The day was first advanced on 16 December 1991 by then-Chairman of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Supreme Assembly Heydar Aliyev. The different governments that have been in power since Azerbaijan's autonomy from the Soviet Union have all denoted that day. Aliyev raised the issue before the Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan SSR to proclaim that date an occasion at state level. The occasion in the end picked up a state status in 1992, with Abulfaz Elchibey's presidential decree. Thus being so near to all the Azerbaijanis, the 31st of December is celebrated as the Solidarity Day of World Azerbaijanis. 


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